La Peral Cheese

Delightful cheese


Lorin ipsing

A flavour



La Peral Cheese

The traditional elaboration and the careful artisans make our cheeses a product of great personality that is highly appreciated by consumers due to the delicacy of its special palate.

The best guest
at your table

Our cheeses are a great pleasure that fulfill their promises of delight on all occasions.

Refined, unctuous and fair in fat; They are high-quality foods, rich in protein and with a balanced presence of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium salts.

Also in the kitchen it will reserve you delicious surprises in savory cakes, pizzas, salads, sauces for meat or fish...

know our cheese factory  

Tradition and Modernity

A successful combination of the most modern food technology of its facilities, with tradition and artisan care.


Cantabrian flavor

We invite you to discover in a piece of Cheese all the Flavor of Asturias, its green landscapes and the blue Cantabrian Sea.


Quality of raw materials

Our cheeses use cow and sheep milk from the best pastures.

Traditional elaboration  

Our Cheeses

  • Estrella La Peral Blue Cheese

    Estrella La Peral is a straw-white pasteurized cow's milk cheese, lactic ferments and selected noble molds that give it its characteristic bluish spots.

  • Peralzola Cheese

    This blue cheese is made with the best selected sheep's milk, making it the only cheese of its kind in Asturias to date.

  • Peñoceo Cheese

    It is a special cheese, made with the best goat's milk from the mountains of Asturias, carefully prepared to achieve a product of exceptional quality.


  • Pack 3 quesos La Peral Pack 3 quesos La Peral

    Pack 3 quesos La Peral

    Desde 47,43 €


    Pack con los tres quesos de La Peral ideal para degustar nuestros deliciosos quesos de vaca, oveja y cabra.

  • Queso Peralzola Queso Peralzola

    Queso Peralzola

    Desde 18,20 €


    Peralzola es un queso azul elaborado con leche 100% de oveja. Su color blanco marfil con vetas azules forman, junto con su maduración, un conjunto rico en sabores, olores y aromas que tiene como resultado un equilibrado queso de excelente calidad.

  • Crema de Queso Azul Estrella La Peral Crema de Queso Azul Estrella La Peral

    Crema de queso elaborada a partir de nuestro queso Estrella La Peral, triturado, perfecto para la elaboración de salsas. Una excelente ayuda en la cocina.

  • Queso Estrella La Peral Queso Estrella La Peral

    Queso Estrella La Peral

    Desde 10,10 €


    Estrella La Peral es un queso azul de leche pasteurizada 100% de vaca, ligeramente picante, pero sin perder ni un ápice de su untuosidad y gran bouquet. Excelente para comer extendido sobre pan tostado y muy apto para preparar todo tipo de salsas.

  • Queso Peñoceo Queso Peñoceo

    Queso Peñoceo

    Desde 19,89 €


    El Queso Peñoceo es un queso excepcional, hecho con la mejor leche 100% de cabra. Su textura es mantecosa, y posee todo el carácter que un queso azul debe tener, pero con el sabor y la calidad que caracteriza a los Quesos La Peral.


  • Queso La Peral

  • Queso Peralzola

  • Queso Peñoceo